Tuesday, September 08, 2009 @ 9:45 AM

hello CDL! yup.. this will be my attachment company for the next 3 months. would be in the corporate communications department. thank God i have the same company as michelle. at least there is someone that i can go for lunch with on the first day of work. hahahas.
Today marks the last day of my holidays and matthew pal is flying off to KL for his internship! i am so gg to miss him. there wont be anyone else that i can go matt~~~~~ or laugh at every sentence that comes out from his mouth. talking abt him, the other day when we went out, he went to buy SHILIN chicken and i got him to ask for a plastic bag. he tried to speak in chinese and ended up saying, "wo yao yi BAO zhi dai" omg.. the man at SHILIN started to laugh so hard.. yi bao is like one whole packet of plastic bag. hahahas. tell me, how not to laugh at this boy.
tml marks the most anxious day of my life. results are coming out and its also the first day of work. i really pray that all things goes well. esp my results! OMG.. damm scary pls.. but in God i will trust.
I was reading PK's blog yesterday night.. got reminded of God's unconditional love. you know how we always tend to treat God like a friend and think just like any other friend, he will love us less if we make a mistake or something.. but this is so untrue. God love us just the same each and everyday. from day one when you were nothing till now even as you are rich and successful, he loves you JUST THE SAME. his love was never dependent on how successful or how righteous you are. it is all the same. isnt it amazing? you can be the worst sinner on earth and yet he loves you just the way he loves the pastor of the church. however, dont take his love for granted. there are still things he hates just the same forever. he loves the sinner, but not the sin. God, thank you for this great love. because of you, i was able to stand up and be stronger girl